The Division of the State Architect (DSA) provides design and construction oversight for K–12 schools, community colleges, and various other state-owned and state-leased facilities to ensure that they comply with all structural, accessibility, and fire and life safety codes.
Designed for exterior decks, balconies, and terraces as well as for interior stairways and balconies, Onyx Rod Railing preserves the view and uninterrupted air ventilation while providing protection and security.
With plenty of customizable options, the ability to blend with myriad décor styles, and STRASSER’s signature “Made in the USA” quality, Montlake stands the test of time.
To help reduce germ spread, Hy-Lite Acrylic Block Rolling Privacy Panels have been put into place at the Salish and Kootenai College Health Center in Pablo, Mont.
When someone writes, “Perhaps the cephalopods (octopuses, squids and relatives), which independently evolved an astonishing level of intelligence, might one day rise to the level of global ecosystem manipulators, and make a better job of it than we have done!” you realize a few things.
First, there’s a knowledge of the octopus beyond Tako Su; second, there’s an environmental knowledge implied with the word “ecosystem” and an understanding that everything is related to everything else. But perhaps most important, there is an underlying sense of humor at play – something that only someone immersed deep into the science of how our planet is constructed and our relationship to that construction can really demonstrate with quiet confidence.