It’s in the Details: In-Stall Dispensers

It is important to consider the smaller details. The placement of in-stall dispensers is a small detail, but an essential part in adhering properly to ADA restroom guidelines. When it comes to in-stall toilet paper dispensers, they are mentioned in section 604.9.6 and 309.4 Dispensers of the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design. They are […]

Follow the Signs

Signs communicate important messages in a way that’s visual, immediate, and precisely targeted. They have become common knowledge and a necessary communication tool on the road and in public spaces. While signs are just one of the many building features that need to be ADA-compliant, it is still necessary to communicate the message effectively. Yet, […]

The Toilet: Taking Care of Business

Providing accessible and safe navigation for toilets is an essential component of meeting the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) 2010 Standards for Accessible Design. ADA guidelines specify that clearance around the toilet must be maintained for easy navigation, as well as requirements for seats, grab bars and flush controls. In order to maintain ADA compliance, […]

Everything and the Bathroom Sink

Sinks and lavatories can present special challenges when designing ADA restrooms. In many cases, sinks are difficult to navigate and reach for people with limited mobility. Builders and designers must consider how the sink height and depth contributes to easy navigation, the amount of floor space around the sink, the accessibility of paper towels and […]

“Turning On” Accessible Faucet Design

When it comes to designing accessible, ADA-compliant restrooms, the faucet is one of the most important pieces in the puzzle. In order to better serve those with limited mobility, faucets should be easy to reach, free from obstructions and easy to turn on and off with minimal force. The 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design […]