How Long Before Quiet Mark Comes to the U.S.?
Every now and then KB-Resource receives a really interesting piece of news, but it doesn’t quiet fit our existing structure. And every now and then a piece of news will contain something that has profound implications for our audience – and we make it fit.
That’s what this blog is about: something called Quiet Mark.
We recently received a story called, Christmas in the Quiet Mark Kitchen with about 11 Quiet Mark certified kitchen appliances. Since we know our audience of specifiers, architects, showrooms and other professionals are interested in appliances, and since we cover appliances on our website (i.e., our interview with Carrie Smith the Senior VP at Howard’s continues to be a well received and much read piece, or if you search on our website for “appliances” you get a dazzling array of content), we wondered what this certified mark was all about?
What is Quiet Mark?
Quiet Mark is the independent global certification program associated with the UK Noise Abatement Society charitable foundation (est.1959). Through scientific testing and assessment, Quiet Mark identifies the quietest products in multiple categories spanning many sectors, including: home appliances and technology, building sector materials and commercial sector products.
This sounds a lot that the fine organizations in the U.S. that do the same thing with products. In fact, there are some that review products and have become the “bible” of reference for consumers.
According to the organization’s website, Quiet Mark certification is the “unique consumer and trade champion mark of approval and resource platform. It provides reliable and independent information about the sound a product makes and approved noise reduction performance before purchase with the primary focus to improve health and wellbeing. Stimulating manufacturing worldwide to prioritize responsible acoustic design to reduce noise pollution.”
Providing reliable and independent information these days is something we all need, so we visited their “certified products” page and randomly clicked “Washer-Dryers” and read this:
“we are currently assessing this category. We are constantly verifying and adding new awarded products each week from new and existing global manufacturers. Are you a manufacturer of products in this sector? If you would like to enter your range for Quiet Mark assessment approval, please get in touch: [email protected] Thank you.”
In other words, we came up dry, no pun intended.
So our conclusion was that it was an evolving website because there are other sections that are well populated with information.
When we googled “what is the noise level produced by a washer dryer,” Google said: “This rating indicates the loudness of sound in air as perceived by the human ear. For a washer-dryer that works quietly choose one that operates at between 47 and 67 dB(A). Washer-dryers rated at under 50 dB(A) make approximately the same noise as a refrigerator humming,” but this definition comes from a UK website: Appliance Insurance. Perhaps the UK is ahead of the curve on noise issues?
So it looked like to us that Quiet Mark is an organization in evolution. Their website is certainly robust. And the idea of “quiet” is always a good thing in the world of clutter and noise, isn’t it?
Quiet Mark’s website also has a section on the Noise Abatement Society who is behind Quiet Mark that is the “only charity NGO in the UK, indeed the world, that specializes in every aspect of sound – how it affects us and how the sounds that we make affect others.” They have their own website, The Noise Abatement Society.

The news item we received via email (if you email the editor, we can forward it to you) was about 11 Quiet Mark certified kitchen appliances that “allow us to start those catch-up conversations whilst we prepare the Christmas meal.” The appliances included things like Kenwood kMix Editions KMX760 Stand Mixers and Sage Combi Wave™ 3 in 1 – Air Fryer, Convection Oven & Microwaves and nine more.
But can you specify or purchase these in the U.S. was the question?
If you google the question with the appliance’s name and where to buy it, you’ll find you can (i.e., in Best Buy or Amazon). But you’ll be now faced with understanding branding.
You see, a company will often create a brand specifically for a country. Or not. Branding is a whole separate discussion, one of which is An excellent article on this can be found at the research company, Accountability Information Management, Inc. called What is a Brand?
For example, the Sage appliance looks like the Breville one you can buy on Amazon. Is it a private label? How is the real manufacturer?
The question is really an interesting one when you realize that even major brands are made by a single manufacturer using a multi-brand strategy (i.e., look at what Whirlpool makes).
Nevertheless, the question of quiet in our age of disruption is an increasing important one, and we thought that the Quiet Mark is something to be aware of. How long before it “crosses the pond?” Only time will tell!
Thanks for reading and visiting our website! As always, keep us in mind for your latest news. Our audience is eager to learn about what you do!
Editor's Note:
The editors of KB-Resource review hundreds of submissions each week. This blog and others features items of interest to our audience. Let us know your thoughts by emailing [email protected]. Thanks for reading!