Call Us. We’re Here. Really.
…”Press 8 if you’re not sure with whom you’d like to speak. Press 9 if you’re completely aggravated with this automated message system. If you don’t make your selection within 10 seconds, you will be disconnected. Thank you for calling!”
We’ve all been locked in voicemail jail before, and it’s not pretty.
Today, Speakman Company, a manufacturer of residential showerheads and commercial plumbing products, announced that it’s enhancing customer service by adding two LIVE call agents to its customer service team. These agents will ensure that anyone calling during business hours will be greeted by a human, not an automated, voice.
We don’t mean to pick on Speakman; they’re doing absolutely the right thing! Yet it’s interesting when good customer service makes news.
This past week, a company we work with said that we have “an ’80s mindset” when it comes to fulfilling product information requests that customers make. We take that as a compliment! Because what that ’80s mindset entails is good, old-fashioned customer service: We actually talk to our customers and go the extra mile to make sure that customers not only get what they need promptly, but receive more than what they expect.
Our parent company, Interline Creative Group, holds all employees to this standard: All incoming calls during business hours MUST be answered within two rings. Go ahead. Try us. The number is 847-358-4848, and our business hours are 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (CST). Callers can’t even first reach the voicemail system during business hours; the phone system won’t allow it! Neither will we.
What do your customers and prospects hear when they call?